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Tudo começou tentando consertar algumas algas marinhas


Uma Perspectiva Mais Inteligente

A man in a blue patterned shirt and khaki shorts is fishing on a pristine, white sandy beach under a clear blue sky. He stands facing the ocean, with two fishing rods planted in the sand nearby. The turquoise waves gently roll onto the shore, and the distant coastline with green hills is visible across the water

Inovação não é apenas uma palavra da moda para nós; é o coração de tudo que fazemos. Estamos constantemente explorando novas formas de aplicar dados geoespaciais para soluções no mundo real.

Fornecemos aos nossos clientes o poder de transformar suas operações e processos de tomada de decisão com o mais recente em tecnologia de dados geoespaciais e imagens de satélite.

Ao fazer parceria com a AVANT, empresas e organizações não apenas ganham uma vantagem competitiva, mas também contribuem para um futuro sustentável, aproveitando informações precisas e atualizadas para impulsionar o progresso e a inovação.

Mantendo-se à Frente da Curva

Acreditamos em usar nossa tecnologia para o bem. Isso significa não apenas avançar no entendimento e capacidades humanas, mas fazê-lo de uma maneira que promova a gestão ambiental e o desenvolvimento sustentável.

Nossas soluções são confiáveis por líderes da indústria, agências governamentais e organizações sem fins lucrativos em todo o mundo para fornecer insights confiáveis, oportunos e acionáveis.

Embora nosso alcance seja global, personalizamos nossas soluções para atender às necessidades locais, garantindo que nosso impacto seja sentido onde é mais necessário.

Two men in blue rain jackets are seen on a traditional waka (canoe) blowing conch shells. They appear focused and solemn, participating in a cultural or ceremonial activity. The background is overcast, with misty and rainy weather, giving a sense of being at sea in challenging conditions. The waka's wooden structure and ropes are visible, along with a buoy attached to the side


Conheça a Equipe

Fundada por uma equipe de especialistas apaixonados em tecnologia de satélites, ciência de dados e conservação ambiental, a AVANT cresceu e se tornou uma fornecedora líder de soluções geoespaciais avançadas em todo o mundo.



Josh é o Fundador e "Chefe dos Piratas Espaciais".

Profile Image of Founder and Managing Director Josh McKenty


Mac é o "Padrinho" da visão computacional na Nova Zelândia.

Profile Photo of Chief Technology Officer Mac Jones


Tāmati lidera nossa equipe de relacionamento Ásia-Pacífico

Profile photo of General Manager Ivan Tava

An Acknowlegement

Avant is located in Whangārei-te-rerenga-parāoa (the gathering place of whales) because the harbour was a gathering place for chiefs. We stand as Tangata Te Tiriti, deeply committed to a tuakana relationship with Māori as tangata whenua.


Our ethos is rooted in a profound respect for Kaitiakitanga and the sanctity of the mauri within the whenua and its people. Recognising Māori as the original guardians of this land, we are privileged to share and cohabitate in this space, committing our AI technological advancements to protect, uplift, and harmonise with the natural environment and its indigenous heritage.

Each project we embark on is a testament to our dedication to preserving the integrity of the environment, ensuring that our innovations contribute positively to the mauri of the whenua and uphold the values and aspirations of the tangata whenua.


Where technology and tradition intersect, we forge a path forward that respects the deep connections between land, people, and technology.

Avant Global uses technology to advance human understanding and promote sustainable development. Our AI solutions are trusted by industry leaders, government agencies, and non-profits worldwide. We provide reliable, timely, and actionable insights that help organisations make better decisions and drive progress. While we operate globally, our solutions are tailored to meet local needs, ensuring our impact is significant where it matters most. By partnering with Avant, businesses and organisations not only gain a competitive edge but also contribute to a sustainable future. Who We Are Founded by experts in satellite technology, data science, and strategic consultation, Avant Global has grown into a leading AI solutions provider in the Pacific. Our executive team includes: Josh McKenty, Founder: Known as the "Chief Space Pirate," Josh is the visionary behind Avant Global. Mac Jones, CTO: The "Godfather" of computer vision in New Zealand, Mac leads our technology initiatives. Ivan Tava, GM: As General Manager, Ivan oversees our operations. Our team's expertise drives our mission to deliver cutting-edge AI solutions and innovative technology. Commitment to Māori and the Environment Avant Global is based in Whangārei-te-rerenga-parāoa, historically significant as a gathering place for chiefs. We are committed to a tuakana relationship with Māori as tangata whenua and uphold the values of Kaitiakitanga. We respect the mauri within the whenua and its people, recognising Māori as the original guardians of this land. Our AI advancements aim to protect and harmonise with the natural environment and its indigenous heritage. Each project reflects our dedication to preserving the environment's integrity and supporting the aspirations of tangata whenua. We strive to blend technology and tradition, respecting the deep connections between land, people, and innovation. Stay Updated with the Latest News and Tech Updates Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to receive the latest news and updates from Avant Global. Stay informed about new developments and innovations in AI technology.

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About Avant

Avant started up in early 2023 when the AI revolution enabled practical application to the real world.

Today, we have rounded up the best AI experts around the world, to deliver custom-developed AI projects to organisations and businesses.

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