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Satellite image showcasing wildfire smoke over a rural landscape. The image utilizes infrared imaging, displaying hotspots as bright red and smoke as cyan blue against a backdrop of dark red terrain. The detailed geographic features such as roads and fields are visible, emphasizing the spread and impact of the fires

Satellite Analysis for 
Emergency Response

Forest Fire Management
Flood Management
Earthquake and Volcanic Activity
Tsunami Warning and Response
Lost Boat/Dark Vessel Detection
Search and Rescue

Aerial satellite image displaying an urban area with highlighted building roofs. The highlighted areas are shown in bright yellow against a detailed background of streets and darker building roofs, illustrating a mapping technique likely used for urban planning or analysis purposes
Satellite image of a steep coastal cliff facing the ocean. The cliff is mainly bare with patches of green vegetation, showing signs of erosion and sediment deposits. The shoreline is edged with white waves crashing against the rugged coastline, and a winding road is visible along the upper right side of the cliff, following the contour of the landscape
Blurred satellite image showing what appears to be a lost yacht in a dark ocean. The image captures the yacht as a white, indistinct shape amidst the murky waters, highlighting the challenges in identifying details from high-altitude or low-resolution imagery

Continuous and real-time satellite monitoring provides immediate data during ongoing natural disasters. This enables disaster management teams to adapt their strategies in real-time, making responses more effective and timely.

Real-Time Monitoring of Disasters

Satellite imagery supports search and rescue operations by providing updated views of disaster-affected areas. This helps to locate survivors quickly and efficiently, particularly in large-scale or remote incidents.

Search and Rescue Operations

Following a disaster, satellite imagery is critical for assessing environmental impacts.

Environmental Impact Studies

Detailed analyses of landscape changes and damages using satellite imagery inform recovery strategies and help build more resilient infrastructures against future disasters, enhancing community preparedness.

Post-Disaster Recovery and Planning

Integrating satellite-derived risk assessment data into urban planning helps create safer and more resilient community layouts.

Urban Planning for Disaster Mitigation

After events such as floods or droughts, satellite data is crucial for assessing damage to crops and soil conditions.

Agricultural Damage Assessment

How Satellite Imaging is Used to Support Emergency Response Efforts

Imaging Examples

AVANT works with Emergency Response teams, with real time satellite imagery and data to respond effectively in disaster events.

Satellite image showing a coastal region with a clear view of the land and ocean interface. The image highlights a variety of terrains including farmland, urban areas, and rugged mountainous regions. The farmland is depicted in shades of red, urban areas are densely packed with grey and white structures, and the mountains are detailed with darker tones. Two turquoise lakes nestled within the mountains stand out against the landscape, while a portion of the ocean is covered by bright white clouds
Satellite image employing a false color rendering to highlight different types of land use. The image predominantly features vibrant green, which typically indicates healthy vegetation. In contrast, areas of bare soil or urban development appear in shades of red. The structured layout of roads and fields suggests a managed agricultural landscape, interspersed with pockets of urban development, as indicated by the denser red areas
Hyperspectral Image of trees
A split satellite image depicting contrasting scenes. On the left, a densely populated urban area with colorful rooftops, intersected by numerous streets and surrounded by lush green vegetation, indicating a vibrant community. On the right, a starkly different scene shows a large, barren area of brown, possibly indicating a landslide or severe land degradation, with very few remaining structures and disrupted terrain. This comparison highlights significant environmental or disaster impact
Satellite image of an urban area overlaid with colored lines representing various infrastructure elements or traffic flow. The underlying photo shows a dense network of buildings and streets
Aerial Image of farmland and elaborate river and lake system
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